Data Exchange Description
The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) data exchange allows agencies to submit data in XML format to U.S. EPA’s ICIS database. Agencies can submit data for either the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) or air stationary source compliance and enforcement (ICIS-Air).
News About Version 5.14 – Released January 24, 2025
Version 5.14 of the ICIS Data Submission schema accommodates new data elements under the NPDES electronic reporting rule related to pretreatment, biosolids, concentrated animal feeding operations, cooling water intake structures, NPDES variance requests as well as a few trailing Phase 1 data elements (“Facility Site Tribal Land Indicator” and “Penalty Amount Collected”). Agencies that are interested in pilot testing the flow of this information to EPA should use this version of the data flow. Please note this version of the schema covers all the data elements listed in the NPDES eRule (40 CFR part 127, Appendix A). EPA recommends that states start using Version 5.14 to test their data flows in advance of the NPDES eRule data sharing compliance deadline (December 21, 2025). Please contact Jay Stubbs and Carey Johnston (johnston.carey [at] to learn more about this testing and additional planned enhancements to the OpenNode2 software that supports this data sharing.
News About Version 5.13 – Released October 8, 2024
Version 5.13 of the ICIS Data Submission schema accommodates new data elements under the NPDES electronic reporting rule related to urban stormwater (a.k.a. municipal separate storm sewer systems or “MS4” data). Agencies that are interested in pilot testing the flow of this information to EPA should use this version of the data flow. Please note that implementing these changes is optional during this pilot testing. Please contact Jay Stubbs and Carey Johnston (johnston.carey [at] to learn more about this testing and additional planned enhancements to this data flow that support Phase 2 implementation of the NPDES electronic reporting rule.
EPA’s Roadmap for Updating the ICIS Data Submission Service for Phase 2 Data also provides an overview and status of the collaboration between EPA and states to update this service with Phase 2 data elements.
News About Version 5.12 – Released June 14, 2024
Version 5.12 of the ICIS Data Submission schema accommodates new data elements under the NPDES electronic reporting rule related to industrial and construction stormwater as well as the residual designation authority stormwater regulation. Agencies that are interested in pilot testing the flow of this information to EPA should use this version of the data flow. Please note that implementing these changes is optional during this pilot testing. Please contact Jay Stubbs and Carey Johnston (johnston.carey [at] to learn more about this testing and additional planned enhancements to this data flow that support Phase 2 implementation of the NPDES electronic reporting rule.
EPA’s Roadmap for Updating the ICIS Data Submission Service for Phase 2 Data also provides an overview and status of the collaboration between EPA and states to update this service with Phase 2 data elements.
News About Version 5.11 – Updated March 19, 2024
An updated version of the v5.11 ICIS Data Submission data flow was posted below on March 19, 2024. The updates reflect comments received during the initial review and testing period. If you downloaded a copy of the schema prior to this date, please download a new copy. Version 5.11 of the ICIS Data Submission schema accommodates new data elements under the NPDES electronic reporting rule related to sewer overflow information. Agencies that are interested in pilot testing the flow of this information to EPA should use this version of the data flow. Please note that implementing these changes is optional during this pilot testing. Please contact Jay Stubbs and Carey Johnston (johnston.carey [at] to learn more about this testing and additional planned enhancements to this data flow that support Phase 2 implementation of the NPDES electronic reporting rule.
EPA’s Roadmap for Updating the ICIS Data Submission Service for Phase 2 Data also provides an overview and status of the collaboration between EPA and states to update this service with Phase 2 data elements.
News About Version 5.10
U.S. EPA has updated ICIS Data Submission schema to include new optional data elements for ICIS-Air related to the review of reports from the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). Please note that the new elements are optional; therefore, no action is required unless your agency would like to make use of the new elements. The new version has been deployed in EPA’s Central Data Exchange as of March 10, 2023 so agencies that are interested in taking advantage of the new elements and functionality may do so now.
Version Notes
Status: Supported
The ICIS schema and documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. Implementation resources for this most recent version follow.