Since 2002, U.S. EPA has supported implementation of the Exchange Network through the Exchange Network Grant Program, which provides funding for states, tribes, and territories. For complete official information, visit EPA’s Exchange Network Grants website. The purpose of the Exchange Network (EN) grant program is to foster better environmental management and decision-making through increased access to timely, high quality, environmental information.
FY 2024 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Exchange Network (EN) Grant Program Solicitation Notice (SN) has been published to and is available here: Applications are due to EPA by 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. Additional guidance tools, including optional fillable templates for the cover letter, project narrative (work plan), and budget narrative attachment form, plus a budget calculation tool, is available through the listing and on the EN website at: Exchange Network Grant Program | US EPA. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review the new FY24 SN, as updates have been made since the FY23 version. Information on applicant webinars will be provided shortly.
The purpose of the Exchange Network (EN) grant program is to foster better environmental management and decision-making through increased access to timely, high quality, environmental information. An applicant’s proposed project goals and outputs should align with one or more EN Funding Areas as described in Section I-B of the SN and EPA’s FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Applicants are encouraged to read the full text of the Strategic Plan at:
EPA expects to award 25-35 grants of up to $500,000 each, totaling approximately $10,500,000 in FY24. The exact number of grants awarded will depend on the number of applications submitted to EPA by the application deadline, the amounts of proposed project budgets, and the quality of proposals. Individual applicants may request up to $300,000 and eligible EN partnerships can request up to $500,000. EPA remains committed to awarding tribal assistance agreements equal to at least 20 percent of the appropriated funds.
EPA only accepts project proposals for EN grants submitted electronically through unless applicants have a waiver. Please allow for enough time to successfully submit your application and allow for unexpected errors requiring you to resubmit. EPA anticipates that it will announce selection decisions around July 2024, and tentatively plans to issue awards by September 30th, 2024.
EN Grant Applicant Webinars
In support of the FY 2024 Exchange Network (EN) Grant cycle, U.S. EPA will host two general informational webinar(s) and one tribal informational webinar to help potential applicants better understand the EN grant program and the requirements for applying for an EN assistance agreement. Agenda topics will include notable changes from prior solicitation notices, an overview of available guidance, and common mistakes to avoid.
Please visit the U.S. EPA EN grants webpage for webinar dates and connection details.
Previous Grant Recipients
Information on previous Exchange Network grant awards is available at
Erin McGown
Exchange Network Grants Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Email: ENGrantProgram [at]