Facility Data Integration IPT (Phase I)

The Facility Data Integration Integrated Project Team (IPT) gathered stakeholder input to explore, identify, and test possible approaches for integrating or sharing facility information across programs and agencies and improving facility data quality by accommodating data correction as it is being reported to environmental regulators. The IPT developed an understanding of current EPA, State, Territorial, and Tribal efforts to integrate facility data, identify a shared set of goals for supporting more comprehensive facility integration, and identify and test options for achieving those shared goals.

The IPT held its Kick-off Call on July 7, 2015, and completed its work (referred to as Phase I) on May 2, 2016.

The E-Enterprise Facility Team was formed in August 2016 to continue this work (referred to as Phase II). For the latest developments on the work of the Facility Integration Project, please visit the team page


John Harman (EPA Co-Chair)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
harman.john [at] epa.gov