Toxics Release Inventory – TRI
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is an EPA program enacted as part of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986. Every year, tens of thousands of facilities in the United States submit reports to EPA and the States on releases and other waste management of certain toxic chemicals. Facilities are required to use the Toxics Release …View Data Exchange
Built on previous efforts to create electronic discharge monitoring reports (eDMRs), NetDMR provides a generic, open-standards-based, CROMERR-approved, thoroughly documented eDMR system. See the NetDMR Success Story for more information its development. The NetDMR system is composed of a freely available web-based JAVA application for accepting electronic DMRs from permittees and for the regulatory authority to manage signatory user access, and Network-approved interfaces to …View Data Exchange
Open Dump Data Exchange
This Open Dump data service will allow Tribes to share open dump data with other interested Partners.
Water Quality Exchange – WQX
**IMPORTANT UPDATE April 13, 2020: Two new versions of the WQX data flow (v2.2 and v3.0) are now available and in production. EPA will continue to support existing versions of the WQX data flow. WQX Version 2.2 is 100% backwards compatible with v2.1 and provides expanded data element lengths for various key description text type elements. See the …View Data Exchange
Pollution Prevention Reporting
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC), the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange Network (P2Rx), the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, and the Environmental Protection Agency, entered into a cooperative agreement to exchange regional and national Pollution Prevention (P2) measurement data. The project is a collaborative process involving CDPHE and …View Data Exchange
Chesapeake Bay Non-Point Source Best Management Practices
The U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) Non-Point Source Best Management Practices (NPS BMP) Data Exchange allows Chesapeake Bay States to submit and solicit NPS BMP data to and from CBPO. Implementation Resources are available here.
Pacific Northwest Water Quality Exchange
The states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska developed the Pacific Northwest Water Quality Data Exchange to aggregate and access a comprehensive source of high-quality water data in the Pacific Northwest. Working together, the states developed XML schema to share water quality data. Each state then established a secure Network Node and began publishing the data in XML. Simple query …View Data Exchange
Partners can use the Exchange Network to submit data to or extract data from EPA’s RCRAInfo system, the national program management and inventory system for hazardous waste handlers. The EPA CDX test and production endpoints for RCRAInfo are available here. EPA has established a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically. This system, known as “e-Manifest,” will …View Data Exchange
Electronic Drinking Water Reports – eDWR
States have the primary responsibility for implementing and enforcing the drinking water standards promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Most of the laboratory data the State Drinking Water Programs receive from either the state laboratories or private commercial laboratories come as paper documents that must be manually entered into the State’s information system. The manual entry …View Data Exchange
Safe Drinking Water Information System – SDWIS
This data flow allows users to submit data to the U.S. EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). SDWIS is an EPA national database that contains information about public water systems and their violations of EPA’s drinking water regulations. Agencies submit federally reported drinking water data to EPA based on three separate subject areas (i.e., Inventory, Actions, and …View Data Exchange
Air Quality System – AQS
Partners can use the Exchange Network to submit data to EPA’s Air Quality System (AQS). AQS is the national database that contains ambient air quality monitoring data collected by States, Tribes, and local governments. These data are used to determine compliance with clean air standards, assess the nature of air pollution in North America, and assess the exposure of …View Data Exchange
EPA Moderated Transaction System – EMTS
Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), EPA is responsible for revising and implementing regulations to ensure that transportation fuel used in the United States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. The Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2) has been developed in collaboration with refiners, renewable fuel producers, and many other stakeholders. RFS2 incorporates the concept …View Data Exchange
Beach Notification
Under the BEACH Act (Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act), grant recipients are required to submit beach notification data to EPA. The Beach Notification data exchange supports the reporting of beach meta data, contact information, and beach advisory and closing data. The Flow Implementation Guide provides a high-level overview of the data flow. To report monitoring data, see the …View Data Exchange
Homeland Emergency Response Exchange – HERE
The Homeland Emergency Response Exchange (HERE) allows Partners involved in emergency response planning and implementation to share available environmental, health, and natural resource information. Using the HERE flow, emergency planners can quickly identify potential dangers posed by chemical inventories or hazardous waste storage, allowing response teams to assess threats to drinking water infrastructure or other environmental interests. For additional …View Data Exchange
Combined Animal Feeding Operations – CAFO
The Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) exchange makes state environmental data associated with CAFOs available on the Exchange Network. Under the Southeast CAFO Environmental Information Exchange pilot project, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) committed to develop a set of schemas and a node client that allows users to query multiple state nodes at once returning an aggregated …View Data Exchange
Biodiversity Data Exchange
Developed by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the Washington Department of Ecology, and NatureServe, the Biodiversity Data Exchange was the first natural resources flow added to the Exchange Network. It includes data such as taxonomic descriptions for species and geo-referenced locations for species occurrences. Access to these data will benefit Partners that play a role in conservation …View Data Exchange
Ocean Data Partnership Exchange – ODPX
The Northeast and Coastal Ocean Data Partnership (NeCODP) developed the Ocean Data Partnership Exchange (ODPX) to accommodate a variety of non-regulatory environmental monitoring data types. The Partnership is composed of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI), Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceanography, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Northeast Fisheries Science Center, …View Data Exchange
Facility Identification – FacID
The Facility Identification (FacID) flow allows Partners to share their integrated facility/site data with EPA’s Facility Registry System (FRS) via their Exchange Network Nodes. Partners can use the Exchange Network to share information on facilities, sites, monitoring stations, and other place-based areas subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest. The Flow Implementation Guide provides a high-level overview of the …View Data Exchange
Clean Water Act Integrated Reporting, Water Quality Assessment, Impaired Waters – OWIR
The OWIR-ATT data flow has been deprecated and replaced by the ATTAINS data flow. Please visit the ATTAINS Data Exchange page for information about that data flow. The OWIR data exchange allowed Partners to submit Integrated Reporting [303(d)/305(b)] water quality assessment data. This data set is taken from the Partner’s assessment data management system and submitted through its …View Data Exchange
Air Quality Data Exchange – AQDE
New Jersey, New York, and Delaware share common airsheds. Air transported into the area and emission sources in and across these States impact one another. Each State benefits from information on the quality of the air in another State. This information is used in the evaluation of current environmental conditions and trends, health tracking, and in coordinating homeland …View Data Exchange