The FY 2019 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program Solicitation Notice is now available at
The primary outcome expected from Exchange Network (EN) assistance agreements is improved access to, and exchange of, high-quality environmental data from public and private sector sources. With this outcome in mind, applications should demonstrate support for and results toward EN program priorities.
In FY 2019, EPA expects to award over $7 million for 20-30 assistance agreements for EN projects. Most awards will be in the $50,000 to $300,000 range. Awards for an individual assistance agreement cannot exceed $200,000. EPA may make a limited number of awards to collaborative, partnership assistance agreements. Budgets for these projects cannot exceed $400,000. The exact number of assistance agreements will depend on the final amount of EPA’s appropriation for the EN grant program, the number of applications submitted to EPA by the application deadline, the amounts of proposed budgets, and the outcome of application reviews.
EPA only accepts project proposals for EN assistance agreements submitted electronically through, unless applicants have a waiver. EPA anticipates that it will announce selection decisions in or around August 2019, and tentatively plans to issue awards by September 30, 2019.
For more information, please contact:
Edward Mixon
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
P: 202-566-2142
E: mixon.edward [at]