In support of the FY 2025 Exchange Network (EN) Grant cycle, the EPA is hosting a series of informational webinars for prospective applicants. The final webinar is set for tomorrow March 6th, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET. The session is designed to help potential applicants better understand the EN grant program and the requirements for applying for an EN assistance agreement. Planned agenda topics include an overview of the EN grant program, notable changes from prior solicitation notices, an overview of available guidance, and common applicant mistakes to avoid.
The webinar will conclude with a question-and-answer (Q&A) session. Any questions and the answers provided by EPA (across all webinars) will then be added to the FAQs under the section(s) titled ‘Applicant Questions Asked in FY25’; see the ‘Resources for FY25 Applicants’ section on the EPA EN website.
Notes on Joining the Webinar:
- The webinar will be hosted through Microsoft Teams, which can be joined by clicking the links below.
- To enter the meeting, click the link below; you will be prompted to ‘choose your video and audio options’. Select your audio preference (e.g., ‘computer audio’), ensure your camera is turned off, mute yourself, and then click ‘join meeting’.
- During the call, you can unmute yourself to ask a question by clicking on the microphone icon (top of the screen).
- Questions can also be typed into the TEAMS ‘Meeting Chat’.
- To preserve audio quality for all participants, EPA asks that participants mute themselves unless speaking on the call.
General Webinar (2): Thursday 3/6, 3-4:30pm ET
Join the meeting now (meeting hosted on TEAMS)
Dial in by phone +1 202-991-0477; Phone Conference ID: 415 360 486#
Please direct any questions to Erin McGown at [email protected]. The PowerPoint slides from this presentation will be posted to the EPA website at:
For more information, please contact:
Erin McGown
EN Grants Program Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Email: [email protected]