Geospatial Information
Geospatial Information belongs to Water
National Hydrography Dataset Events – NHDEvent
The National Hydrography Dataset Events (NHDEvent) data exchange has been decommissioned as of September 2020. These resources are only available for reference purposes. Please do not attempt to implement this data exchange. The National Hydrography Dataset Events (NHDEvent) data exchange enables participants to submit spatial representations of surface water-related features. It supplements water program-related data flows that exchange surface …View Data Exchange »
National Hydrography Dataset Update – NHDUpdate
The National Hydrography Dataset Update (NHDUpdate) data exchange enables the transmittal of updates to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) created by local updaters or state NHD data stewards to the national NHD data repository administered by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The flow also enables USGS to send updates from the national repository to satellite NHD databases …View Data Exchange »