Exchange Network Forum

The Exchange Network Forum is a monthly online venue to discuss how to improve and better use the Exchange Network’s services and partnerships to share information among EPA, States, Tribes, and Territories. The Forum will convene on the second Thursday of each month from 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern. These gatherings will provide an opportunity for Exchange Network partners to:

  • Learn about important Exchange Network information and updates;
  • Share challenges and opportunities to improve the Exchange Network’s collaborative model, communication channels, and technical framework; and
  • Learn about innovative ways EPA, States and Tribes are using the Exchange Network.

For more information about the Exchange Network Forum, please contact Alex O’Neill with EPA’s Office of Information Management.

Join the Next Forum!

The EN Forum convenes on the second Thursday of each month. You can register for the entire 2024 series in one step.

Thursday, July 11, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 PM Eastern
Register for the Monthly Series


  • TBA

Exchange Network Forum Archive

Recordings and materials from past Exchange Network Forums are available here.