In preparation for the FY 2019 Exchange Network (EN) grant application process, EPA will hold a conference call with the EN community to provide an overview of the Draft FY 2019 EN Grant Solicitation Notice (SN), listen to feedback and answer questions on the SN. The draft SN is available for review prior to the conference call at: Please note the following sections that have changed significantly from the FY 2018 SN:
- Section I.E – Program Priorities: This section covers the priorities of the EN Grant Program for FY 2019, all grant proposals should align with at least one of these priorities.
- Section V.A – Evaluation Criteria: This section lays out the criteria by which proposals will be reviewed.
- Appendix A – Programmatic Data Exchange Opportunities: This section contains information from EPA Program Offices about EN data exchange opportunities offered by their program.
- Appendix B – Foundational EN Shared Services: This section provides additional information on opportunities for partners to integrate core EN shared services into their systems/programs.
- Appendix D – Promoting Reuse of EN Partner Products: This revised section offers two tools to assist applicants in identifying reusable products that could be appropriate for their projects: Reusable Component Services and the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform.
- Section III – Eligibility Information: Applicants may not have more than three active EN assistance agreements, reduced from four.
Call Details:
October 10, 2018, 2:00-3:00PM ET
Audio: 202-991-0477; Conference Code: 955-2496
If you would like to provide feedback, EPA will accept comments on the Draft SN until COB on October 12, 2018. Comments should be emailed to [email protected].
EPA plans to issue the final FY 2019 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice in November 2018.