ICIS Production will be taken down at 5:00PM EST on Friday, November 30, 2012, for the implementation of ICIS v6.0 and the migration of the remaining 15 states from PCS. ICIS v6.0 implements Release 3 of NPDES Full Batch allowing for the electronic submission of enforcement action, violation, and program report data. This effectively completes the PCS Modernization project. ICIS is scheduled to be back online at 7:00AM EST on Monday, December 10, 2012.
*Please note* ICIS will be unavailable for both data entry and reports until Monday, December 10, 2012.
Of special note:
1. The Official RNC for FY2012 Q4 will be run the evening of November 30, 2012, instead of the currently scheduled date of Saturday, December 1, 2012.
2. The Official QNCR for FY2012 Q4 has been postponed one week and will be run on Saturday, December 22, 2012, instead of the scheduled date of Saturday, December 15, 2012. This will allow additional time for users to enter any necessary manual overrides especially for the migrating states.
3. Before the migration process begins, ICIS Production data will be copied to ICIS Test so that users will be able to run Business Object reports using the latest production data while ICIS Production is down. ICIS TEST URL:
4. During the ICIS downtime, both NetDMR and NeT will be available to users for data entry, but all data being submitted to or extracted from ICIS will be held in a queue awaiting processing until ICIS comes back up. All data for these tools should be processed before the morning of Monday, December 10, 2012.
5. As of November 30, 2012, PCS data will be available only for retrievals; no further data entry will be allowed. PCS data will continue to be available for retrieval during the ICIS outage.
Wendell Wright
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
P: 202.564.4259
E: wright.wendell@epa.gov