In support of the FY 2022 Exchange Network (EN) Grant cycle, the EPA will host two webinars to assist interested applicants. The webinars will be held on Wednesday April 6th and Monday April 11th. Each webinar will include the same presentation on the following topics: a brief overview of the EN Grants Program and FY 2022 timeline, critical elements of the Solicitation Notice, notable changes from FY 2021, an overview of new guidance materials and optional templates, and common mistakes to avoid. This will be followed by a question-and-answer session with participants. Please note that the sessions will end when all the participants’ questions have been addressed.
Notes on Joining the Webinars
- Note: The webinars will be given through Microsoft Teams, which can be joined by clicking the links provided below. Please note these links are different for each webinar.
- Note: To enter a meeting, click the appropriate link below; you will be prompted to ‘choose your video and audio options’. Select your audio preference (e.g. ‘computer audio’), ensure your camera is turned off, mute yourself, and then click ‘join meeting’.
- During the call, you can unmute yourself to ask a question by clicking on the microphone icon (top of the screen).
- Questions can also be typed into the TEAMS ‘Meeting Chat’.
- During the call, you can unmute yourself to ask a question by clicking on the microphone icon (top of the screen).
Webinar Details and Connection Information
Wednesday, April 6th, 3 – 4:30 p.m. ET
- TEAMS Presentation Link (Recommended Format) –
meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ ZTRkNTBmMDQtYTExOC00MWY0LTgyMG QtZjE4ZGViNTA2NTgy%40thread. v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a% 2288b378b3-6748-4867-acf9- 76aacbeca6a7%22%2c%22Oid%22% 3a%22ba29ef8d-9344-44c3-8ef7- 94f4fe17adfb%22%7d - Dial-In Option (Audio Only) – Number: 1(202) 991-0477; Conf. ID: 490 520 552#
Monday, April 11th, 12:30 – 2:00pm ET
- TEAMS Presentation Link (Recommended Format)-
meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ OTA5MDQ5ZTktNjg5MS00MGRmLWI2Mz ktMzgwY2QzYmYzMDg2%40thread. v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a% 2288b378b3-6748-4867-acf9- 76aacbeca6a7%22%2c%22Oid%22% 3a%22ba29ef8d-9344-44c3-8ef7- 94f4fe17adfb%22%7d - Dial-In Option (Audio Only) Number: 1(202) 991-0477; Conf. ID: 880 993 899#
Please direct any questions to Erin McGown, Exchange Network Grants Acting Program Manager, at [email protected].
Although not mandatory, we would appreciate if you would pre-register for webinar sessions by sending an email to Shela Poke-Williams ([email protected]) indicating the session you plan to attend and listing the participant name(s), organization, and state, tribe, or territory. Please note that EPA will maintain these records internally and they will not be shared with any third parties.