ICIS Data Submission
The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) data exchange allows agencies to submit data in XML format to U.S. EPA’s ICIS database. Agencies can submit data for either the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) or air stationary source compliance and enforcement (ICIS-Air). News About Version 5.14 – Released January 24, 2025 Version 5.14 of the ICIS Data Submission …View Data Exchange
FRS API Version 1.0
Implementation resources and documentation for the FRS API are available in the Resources section below.
Facility Registry System REST API
EPA’s Facility Registry System (FRS) offers a RESTful API to allow partners to share their integrated facility/site data with FRS. Partners can use the API to share information on facilities, sites, and other place-based areas subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest. This RESTful API enables bi-directional exchange with FRS and takes advantage of FRS’s expanded data …View Data Exchange
Columbia River Basin Coordinated Assessment Data Exchange – CAX
The Columbia River Basin Coordinated Assessment Data Exchange (CAX) allows for efficient, consistent, and transparent data-sharing among the co-managers (fish and wildlife agencies and Tribes), regulatory agencies, and data consumers in the Columbia River Basin (CRB) for anadromous fish-related data. Development of the CAX was coordinated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring …View Data Exchange
ER3 Version 1.0
The ER3 schema and supporting documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. Implementation resources for the most current version follow.
Ambient Radiation Publishing Version 1.0
The Ambient Radiation Publishing documentation has been approved for use on the Exchange Network. The most recent version is v1.0.
Ambient Radiation Publishing
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) publishes its ambient radiation data. Leveraging EN technology, NJDEP implemented a minute-by-minute ambient radiation solicit service that can automatically pull ambient radiation from NJDEP’s air quality data views, and generate the data in the AQS Schema format. For more information, see NJDEP’s Ambient Radiation Outreach Guide.
Safe Drinking Water Publishing Version 1.0
The Safe Drinking Water Publishing documentation has been approved for use on the Exchange Network. The most recent version is v1.0.
Safe Drinking Water Publishing
Using the EN Browser and the SDWIS v3.5 schema, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) publishes its Safe Drinking Water Data. For more information, see NJ DEP’s Safe Drinking Water Outreach Guide.
Radon Version 1.0
The Radon schema and supporting documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. The most recent version is v1.0.
U.S. EPA, States, and Tribes all collect radon data, however, different programs collect different data fields, have different thresholds and calculation logics, and use the data in different formats. RadonLeaders.org developed a standard process to share radon data and promote radon data exchange in a more standard way, including identifying a list of core data elements. Using those …View Data Exchange
IC Version 1.0
The IC schema and supporting documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. The most current version is v1.0.
Institutional Controls – IC
Institutional controls (IC) are non-engineered instruments, such as administrative and legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and protect the integrity of a remedial action. ICs can reduce exposure to contamination by limiting land or resource use and guide human behavior at a site. ICs are primarily used when residual contamination remains onsite …View Data Exchange
EPA Tribal Identification – TRIBES
UPDATE April 2023: U.S. EPA has replaced the Tribal ID data flow with a RESTful API. Please visit this link to access the new API. The resources below are only available for reference purposes and should not be used. The EPA Tribal Identification (TRIBES) data flow is a set of Web services that allow Partners to access and …View Data Exchange
TRIBES Version 1.0
The TRIBES schema and supporting documentation have been deprecated by EPA and replaced with a RESTful Web API. These resources are available for reference purposes only.
GLENDA Version 1.0
The GLENDA schema and supporting documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. Implementation resources for most recent version follow.
Great Lakes Environmental Database – GLENDA
The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) collects environmental data on a wide variety of constituents in water, biota, sediment, and air. Long after the studies are completed, the data remain and must be managed. Central to the data management effort is a computerized relational database system to house Lake Michigan Mass Balance and other project results. That …View Data Exchange
EMTS Version 2.0
Version 2.0 is no longer supported.
Homeland Security Data
The Homeland Security Data Exchange allows States to make their environmental, health, and safety information available to national security, law enforcement, and intelligence communities as well as the general public.
EMTS Version 3.0
The EMTS schema and supporting documentation have been approved for use on the Exchange Network. Implementation resources for this version follow.